Este breve relatório resume as principais recomendações da Conferência de Lisboa sobre o potencial do confisco civil para recuperar bens ilícitos, que teve lugar em Lisboa, Portugal, em 5-7 de Julho de 2022. A conferência reuniu representantes de alto nível de Angola, Cabo Verde, Moçambique e Timor-Leste, juntamente com peritos internacionais.

As recomendações incluem:

This short report summarises key recommendations from the Lisbon Conference on non-conviction based forfeiture (NCBF) as a tool for asset recovery, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 5–7 July 2022. The conference gathered high-level representatives from Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Timor-Leste, together with international experts.

The recommendations include:

In the context of USAID’s FOTI Timor Leste programme, ICAR has been requested to assist local counterparts (the Attorney General Office, the Central Bank and the Anti-Corruption Commission) in analyzing and identifying the different stages of investigation and adjudication of money laundering cases; identifying legislative and/or procedural shortcomings that hinder the investigation and adjudication of money laundering in East Timor; and recommending inter-institutional coordination mechanisms for streamlining the investigation and adjudication of such cases.