This project aims to sensitise the business sector and society in general to problems associated with corruption. It addresses the advantages of early identification of corruption risks, and the implementation of internal and external policies and actions to promote transparency and to fight corruption.

General objectives:

  • Develop a collective initiative in order to prevent corruption and promote transparency.
  • Promote and share values ​​of integrity, accountability and transparency.

Specific objectives:

Business Membership Organizations (BMOs) have become important players in the process of promoting transparency and fair markets. To strengthen anti-corruption initiatives in China, the project made available the expertise of German BMOs (German chambers of commerce and sectoral associations and their umbrella associations such as DIHK, BDI, etc.) and their members, in combination with the expert network of GIZ GmbH and sequa gGmbH.

Procurement is one of the areas most vulnerable to corruption in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The main root causes for intransparent procurement are weak laws and lack of oversight. The project’s objectives are to prepare a set of law amendments based on economic research and legal analyses of current weaknesses of the legal system. Furthermore, the project will aim at identifying potential loopholes, and analyse current practices of state oversight over procurement.

The project aims at initiating Collective Action between foreign and local businesses in order to support fair market conditions. The Integrity Initiative will encourage companies to commit to having no tolerance for corruption, and to commit to sustainable development. The specific objectives are to:

The project aims at providing interested parties from government, business, and civil society with an overview of existing and potential mechanisms for incentives and sanctions to encourage companies to engage against corruption. Further to a multi-stakeholder selection process of priorities, comprehensive research will be conducted to prepare a catalog of qualitative assessments of the effectiveness or reasons for failures of each identified anti-corruption incentive and sanction.

This project aims to establish a high-impact anti-corruption Collective Action platform in five countries – Brazil, Egypt, India, Nigeria, and South Africa. By facilitating ongoing dialogue between the private and public sector, this project will provide a wide variety of stakeholders in these five countries with an opportunity to explore how specific Collective Action initiatives can create incentives for ethical business performance, and to discuss areas for further improvement.

During the three-year project, IBLF will seek to bring to Russia and China the best international practices in corporate approaches to compliance, raise knowledge and consciousness of the costs of corruption and the benefits of combating it, and bring innovative management tools and techniques to multinational and local companies.

The aim of this project by the UN Global Compact and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) was to develop anti-corruption guidelines for management schools. The Guidelines offer business schools academic modules to address transparency, ethics and anti-corruption. Topics include: