Translating political economy insights into conservation practice: a six-step guide

Roberta Diamond

Associate, Communications
+41 61 205 55 11

This guide suggests six steps for bringing political economy analysis findings into a theory of change for a project or programme.

It aims to provide a practical means for conservationists to navigate political economy in contexts where they work. While a theory of change explains the logic of a project, a political economy analysis, which looks at the influence of power, helps get to the heart of what needs to change for a project to work. But practitioners often find it challenging to use political economy analysis in practice. 

Rabat Declaration highlights private-sector engagement in preventing corruption

We are pleased to see States embracing the business community in corruption prevention activities in Africa. At a recent anti-corruption conference in Rabat, a new declaration emphasised the importance of the "involvement of all stakeholders, with a shared vision and an action based on collective mobilisation…”. This language underlies the Collective Action approach that we at the Basel Institute have long promoted to increase standards of integrity and fair business around the world.

Building integrity from the ground up in Mozambique: training programme

Mozambique faces critical infrastructure challenges – and opportunities – across all areas of its economy.

Yet the type of high-value procurement and infrastructure projects needed to boost development in the country are well known to be vulnerable to corruption. Risk factors include the high complexity, large transactions and multi-party negotiations that require close cooperation between the public and private sectors.

CoSP 10 events on environmental corruption

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist, Communications
+41 61 205 55 12

This year's Conference of the States Parties to the UNCAC (CoSP10) is hosting a series of events on environmental corruption as part of a collaboration between several organisations, including the Basel Institute.

The aim is to explore the role of corruption in crimes that affect the environment and the consequences. 

These events are freely open to virtual participation via Zoom, as well as in-person participation from CoSP delegates.

Dirty deals: Launch of Environmental Corruption Deep Dive report on corruption in waste management and trade

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist, Communications
+41 61 205 55 12

This event launched the new Environmental Corruption Deep Dive Report: Dirty deals: Case studies on corruption in waste management and trade.

The report is an initial exploration of corruption in crimes involving waste. It looks at corruption risks at different states of domestic/international waste management chains and at external factors that make corruption more likely.

5th International Collective Action Conference: Putting Business Integrity on the Global Agenda

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist, Communications
+41 61 205 55 12

The 5th International Collective Action Conference will take place over two days in Basel, Switzerland under the theme "Putting Business Integrity on the Global Agenda".

The two-day conference seeks to amplify the growing momentum for anti-corruption Collective Action, a collaborative approach to catalyse the power of the private sector against corruption.

Southern Africa’s fight against corruption needs Collective Action

A high-level meeting of heads of anti-corruption agencies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) last month was a chance to take stock of member countries’ efforts to tackle corruption.

The meeting allowed for a reflection on many ongoing activities and discussions around Collective Action in the region this year. It was the perfect opportunity to reflect on how to galvanise joint efforts against the region’s biggest scourge.

Collective Action against Corruption: Business and Anti-Corruption Initiatives in ASEAN

Nicolas Hocq

Associate, Communications and Events
+41 61 201 18 22

This publication forms part of the ‘Enabling Business Networks in ASEAN to Combat Corruption’ Project implemented by the ASEAN CSR Network (ACN) and funded by the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK FCO). It provides an overview and analysis of anti-corruption Collective Action case studies in the ASEAN region. 



Basel AML Index 2023

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist, Communications
+41 61 205 55 12

This is the 12th Public Edition of the Basel AML Index.

The Basel AML Index is an independent annual ranking that assesses the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) around the world.

Published by the Basel Institute on Governance since 2012, it provides risk scores based on data from 18 publicly available sources such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Transparency International, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. The risk scores cover five domains:

Autopsy of a lost case: lessons learned from a missed opportunity for financial investigation in a Kenyan Ivory Trafficking Case

Roberta Diamond

Associate, Communications
+41 61 205 55 11

The Follow-the-Money working group meeting is back!

This month we will feature Chris Morris, former wildlife crime investigator and founder of Kenyan based NGO, Saving Endangered Species through Education and Justice (SEEJ-AFRICA).

Chris Morris has over 30 years of experience in Canadian law enforcement and has been following wildlife crime cases in East Africa and the Kenyan courts since 2015. His particular interest is how corruption effects investigations/prosecutions as they progress through the criminal justice process.